Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Last Day of 2006.

This is Kelly and Riley
This is my sweet Miss Spicey, my favorite friend at Wednesday's arts and crafts class.
The group of us celebrating Sydney's 60th Birthday.
Well it's Sunday, December 31, 2006 and I can't believe it's almost a month since I last posted on my blog.
Life moves on, if one participates on not.
This past month seems to have flown by so quickly.
I've had wonderful times and am just kind of distracted, not having posted anything in so long.

Of note is the fact that as of Christmas Day, exactly 2 months post op, I am down 47lbs. This is a miracle to me and
I am so grateful.
My life post surgery is no cake walk. There are good days and some not so good days.
Most important to me though, is to remember that my worst day post op, pales compared
to my life before this surgery. I don't ever want to forget how miserable I was, both mentally
and physically.
I am so grateful to God for this opportunity at a new improved life.

I'm looking forward to my 40th High School Reunion in mid January.
So many friends I haven't seen in years will be attending. Should be
a memorable weekend.

I'm also cohosting a Baby Shower, the same weekend as the Reunion.The Shower is for Kelly, my dear
departed friend Sara's daughter-in-law. She's expecting a little girl and
we are all so thrilled about this. The Shower will be an opportunity
for so many of Sara's friends and family to be together.

Oh this is big news! Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl (my Gouldian Australian Finches) are going to be parents too!
I'm kind of freaked out about this though. I bought a little house/nest for
their cage at the suggestion of the salewomen at Pet Smart. She said she
had finches and that really they just love to hop around and in the wild live
in the hollows of trees. I said what about mating? She assured me that they
would mate with or without a little nest. PS...There are 2 tiny eggs in that
little nest. How is this possible? They are suppose to be babies themselves.
I just bought them as such in early November. Does this mean there is a
need for an Avian Chapter of Planned Parenthood? No kidding, babies having
babies and then what.
Stay tuned on this one.

Mostly I wish to take this opportunity to put out good wishes to the universe
and my friends on this the last day of 2006.
May each of us be blessed with good health, happiness, prosperity and
some peace of mind in this coming year.
May we each do our part to make World Peace a reality and to stop the
spread of disease and poverty.
Do the next right thing. Collectively, we can make a difference.


dogfaeriex5 said...

wow, a great post! and you are going to be a mom to new birdies..will you have to get a bigger cage?? how long before they hatch? the shar-pei we rescued for my daughter has turned out to be pregnant! so we have 4pups on the way around the 20th of january...exciting for both of us, but i am nervous at the same time...
47lbs, most excellent!!
take care sweet gal!!

One Crabapple said...


Super Kudos for all that hard work you are doing !

yes ! - P E A C E -