Monday, June 19, 2006

So it's Monday...

myra's thoughtsAh Monday, so full of hope. The first day of the work week. Clean slate. How will
the week unfold?
Friday night's excurtion was great fun. The Gay Men's Chorus was a very entertaining evening. The men looked like an ad for Gap, all in khaki pants and
different solid, brightly colored T', hot pink, orange, mango, yellow, gold,
greens and such. What visual impact this made with the 40 men on stage. The
singing was mostly good and the camping and dancing was hilarious. Afterwards,
Bill, Jose and myself went to Cafeteria for a late dinner. This is a restaurant on
South Beach that originated in New York. The place was stellar looking and is known for serving great "comfort food". We had fried chicken with waffles, shrimp
with grits and macaroni and cheese. Pretty yummy and oh so not dietetic. Got home after 1AM, which is the latest I have been out in ages.
Last night was the 5th game in the NBA playoff's. Go Miami Heat. What a game!
Basketball is so amazing. Fast and furious and you can never tell what's going
to happen next. The game was a once in a lifetime, going into overtime and
YES, the Heat finally winning by 1 point. I was so wound up I couldn't fall asleep
till after 3AM.
Had a wonderful surprise when I visited my eBay listings this morning. Three
out of the 4 cards listed have bids. Proof, therefore, that indeed there is a God.
Just kidding, of course, but what a delightful miracle. Here I am complaining about how slow things have been. This is a great relief for me and provides
the encouragement I need to keep on with this art posting stuff. Hooray.
To anyone who is reading this, perserverance pays off. Put one foot in front of
the other and just keep going on. Eventually it works out, I think.
That's it for now.
Keep good thoughts and do the next right thing.
Imagine peace. Say your prayers and remember to eat your fruits and vegtables.