Ah, it is Sunday evening, about 10PM, October 15, 2006 and I just got home for a lovely meal with a new friend named
Arlene. I met her through a doctor connection we share and it turns out we share more than that too.
In 10 days on October 25th I will be entering Holy Cross Hospital, here in lovely South Florida, to undergo gastric bypass
surgery. For anyone that is tuned in to my blog, they know this has been about a 6 week journey.
When I think about it, it's actually been a 58 year journey, cause that's how old I am and this is where my life has lead me.
Arlene is a gorgeous woman who had this surgery done several years ago. I am blessed that she is willing to be my friend
and share her experience with me.
I have a long road ahead of me, with any luck, it won't be as tough as I think it's going to be. But then again, who am I kidding?
I'm only looking to change my entire approach to life as I know it. For starters, I stopped smoking September 26th. This is a
total miracle. I feel quite empowered by this. I just wish I could be more pleasant sometimes. I mean not snap at my mother
for instance. Poor thing, she takes such verbal abuse from me. My only consulation is that I know, that she knows, how much
I love and appreciate her. She is willing to let this go because she knows how hard it must be for me to stop a bad habit like this. On top of not smoking, I have been on a rather restictive, precise, pre operative diet since this past Tuesday. I was so
nervous about this diet thing. You know, if I could stick to a diet, I wouldn't be needing to go through this gastric bypass thing
is how I was thinking about it. Meanwhile, guess what? I've stuck to this diet. I really can't believe it. I tell you it's a miracle
and that God has sent angels to surround me and keep me on this path. How else could this be happening?
That's about it with the BLAH, BLAH, BLAH for now.
For anyone out there that may read this and then may leave a comment, please know that I don't necessarily check in on this
blog spot on a daily basis. For that reason I may not get back with you in a timely fashion. (is that a disclaimer I just wrote?).
Send out peace, love and serenity to the world and to myself.
Good night and good dreams!