Thursday, October 19, 2006

Six More Days To Go...

There are 6 more days until "The Big Event".
My surgery.
I am on a kind of spiritual high it seems.
I've been on this rather restrictive diet since Tuesday, October 12th,
in preparation for the big day. Having success in actually following
this food plan has had a positive affect on my soul I think.
The fact that I haven't had a cigarette since September 26th, doesn't
hurt either.
What about the orchids that are blooming in my house?
They seem to be a metaphor for my transformation.
I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
Just wanted to document what I'm feeling.

Think Pink Poem by Mike Hunter 1983

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

BOO HOO . Learning Curve Hurts!

I just deleted the "Think Pink" poem it had taken me so long to publish in the first place.
I know I am changing, because I am not that upset about it.
I really only published it so Miss Thing, you know who you are, could read it, as she
is presently off line. The beautiful poem was originally meant for my eyes only and
after I published it I thought, maybe this is too private.
Oh well.
The learning curve in life, can be painful.
No pain, no gain.
Gag me with a spoon.
Life is becoming one big cliche.
Oh no.
and in the meantime, thanks to wanting to communicate with this very Miss Thing,
I find myself here blogging on a regular basis.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hooray . I Think I Nailed It!

The trick to uploading photo's, as far as I can tell, is to do it one or two at a time.
Ta Da! Done.
This is an assemblage box that I did maybe 6 years ago.

I can't believe it. I just successfully published a photo on this here Beta Blogger format.
It's devine intervention, I swear.
I think the previous problem is that I was attempting to upload five images at a time, as was
allowed before. Apparently 5 is to many photos for this new system to handle at once.
Am going to see if it will upload the next 4.
Fingers crossed. Wish me luck.

Assemblage Box. Attempt #99...

Upgrading to Beta Blogging . NO FUN

Well am I ever frustrated. I somehow upgraded to this new super Beta Blogger, only to experience being unable to upload
any photo's. I found some photo's of stuff I wanted to publish here on my blog. I have gone through the steps at least
10 times. Each time everything seems fine until I hit upload. The blog's upload icon keeps spinning and spinning, never
completing and republishing. I kid you not, I have endured waiting 30 minutes plus, on more than one occassion.
How maddening is this???
The only good thing, I think is that I was successful in changing the background of my blog from beige to black.
I prefer how this looks, which is rather curious as black is one of my least favorite colors. Then again, where did beige
fit in the picture? I used the former template/formate for the green that was in it mostly.
Now I will see if I am successful in publishing this new post.
Enjoy this precious day.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

10 Days and Counting...

Ah, it is Sunday evening, about 10PM, October 15, 2006 and I just got home for a lovely meal with a new friend named
Arlene. I met her through a doctor connection we share and it turns out we share more than that too.
In 10 days on October 25th I will be entering Holy Cross Hospital, here in lovely South Florida, to undergo gastric bypass
surgery. For anyone that is tuned in to my blog, they know this has been about a 6 week journey.
When I think about it, it's actually been a 58 year journey, cause that's how old I am and this is where my life has lead me.
Arlene is a gorgeous woman who had this surgery done several years ago. I am blessed that she is willing to be my friend
and share her experience with me.
I have a long road ahead of me, with any luck, it won't be as tough as I think it's going to be. But then again, who am I kidding?
I'm only looking to change my entire approach to life as I know it. For starters, I stopped smoking September 26th. This is a
total miracle. I feel quite empowered by this. I just wish I could be more pleasant sometimes. I mean not snap at my mother
for instance. Poor thing, she takes such verbal abuse from me. My only consulation is that I know, that she knows, how much
I love and appreciate her. She is willing to let this go because she knows how hard it must be for me to stop a bad habit like this. On top of not smoking, I have been on a rather restictive, precise, pre operative diet since this past Tuesday. I was so
nervous about this diet thing. You know, if I could stick to a diet, I wouldn't be needing to go through this gastric bypass thing
is how I was thinking about it. Meanwhile, guess what? I've stuck to this diet. I really can't believe it. I tell you it's a miracle
and that God has sent angels to surround me and keep me on this path. How else could this be happening?
That's about it with the BLAH, BLAH, BLAH for now.
For anyone out there that may read this and then may leave a comment, please know that I don't necessarily check in on this
blog spot on a daily basis. For that reason I may not get back with you in a timely fashion. (is that a disclaimer I just wrote?).
Send out peace, love and serenity to the world and to myself.
Good night and good dreams!