semi "Last Supper"
And so tomorrow is the "Big Event", in my life anyway.
My gastric bypass surgery.
It's hard to believe that this will mark the beginning
of the rest of my life.
The past few days have flown by.
Friday night I saw Maria Antoinette with my friends Bill and Jose.
Oh my God, what a visual feast.
From the opening scene all the way through till the end, the film was stunning.
The grounds and gardens of Versailles. The costumes of course.
The shoes and the food were some of my favorites.
The dialogue was kind of like a joke.
The actors don't speak with French accents, and the
story is coveyed, I think, through the music and the visuals.
The music rocks and so does this film.
I highly recommend seeing it.
After the movies we had a late, lovely dinner at Joe Allen's.
This all took place in our famous South Beach which is
so much fun and plenty of visuals going on, itself, on a
Friday night.
Saturday I spent doing some art and trying to tie up
any loose ends in anticipation of tomorrow.
Last night, or rather Sunday night (it's 4:20 AM,
Tuesday morning, right now) a few of us girls got
together to celebrate our dear friend Kay's 65th
Birthday and my up coming event.
We dubbed the evening "Myra's Last Supper" and
it was my last supper out, for a while at least. After
the surgery I will be eating pureed food for at least
4 to 6 weeks.
We had such a lovely evening together discussing
our upcoming elections and how grateful we each
are for all that we have in our lives.
Later this morning I have a dentist appointment and an
accupuncture treatment this afternoon... And then home
to begin the rather unpleasent, last, preoperative
things I have been instructed to do.
And then voila, before I know it will be 6:30AM,
Wednesday, October 26th and I'll be arriving at
the hospital for my scheduled noon surgery.
The hospital stay is usually 2 nights and 3 days.
My next entry here on my blog, will be post
operatively, please GOD.
I am so humbled, blessed and grateful by the
outpouring of love, support and good wishes
from all my many friends.
Thank you all and God speed.