So here it is Saturday morning. I'm at my computer with The Pretty Birds by my side.
This is the first morning I'm kind of feeling somewhat normal. Wednesday afternoon
I started to slide. Which really surprised me, as I was having such a beautiful day.
Wednesday started out great. I had an acupuncture treatment, which is always wonderful,
but even more so this day. The reason being that I had decided that morning not to take
my blood pressure or blood sugar medications. I made this decision because my legs
and ankles were swelling to the point of distraction. They were killing me. I thought
about the 3 days in the hospital, where they did not give me this medication and how
I came home with thin ankles and no swelling, until I started taking these medications
again. I figured if I could get by in the hospital without them, then I would try getting
by without them again.
Thank you to the powers that be, because before my treatment the practioner took
my blood pressure and it was 130 over 80, which is way good for me, with or without
the medication. After the treatment my blood pressure was 120 over 80, perfect.
Was I ever elated and grateful.
So I took the scenic route home North on A1A, ocean view to my right and low a behold
there is this magnificent, huge kite flying right before my eyes.
These photo's were taken from inside my car, while I was driving.
I stopped to do some errands and that's when things started to slide.
Something happened to my left rear ankle. Like I tore or over extended something...
All I know is that it was very painful and made it quite awkward to walk.
But I perservered and got everything on my list accomplished. Go Myra!
PS, when I got home I was so wiped out that it's taken me 2 whole days to semi
The foot is sligthly better, which is a good thing. However, this has put a real
damper on my daily walking is the halls.
I'm hanging in there and doing the best I can.
If anyone has survived and read this far, I applaud you.
Such a mournful, woe is me, Myra.
Enough about the downs.
The good news is I purchased a "sports cord", I think that's what you call them.
I'm learning how to do all kinds of strengthing and stretching routines and this
is a very good thing for me.
Tomorrow evening my 86yr old Mother, Reva is hostessing a Birthday Dinner
for her 93 yr. old squeeze named Charles (Reva calls him Charlie). This will
be my first dinner out venture since my surgery.
I'm sure I'll do just fine.
Did I mention how much I'm enjoying my pretty new companions?
The birds are a delight.
I love coming out in the morning and seeing them.
I love hearing their chirping. Somehow they have enhanced my life.
And oh yes, I remain grateful still, for all I have.
Let's see how this new day shall unfold.
Good wishes.