Sunday, November 26, 2006

Continuation of Girls Get Together, Publishing Ass Backward for a Change...

This is our styling girl Nora and Kay. Nora is
a Florida native and gifted photographer. She makes her living as a "location scout" for photo shoots.
This is Sister Margaret Mary and Kay. Margaret is
a former Nun. She goes by just Margaret, but I always love for people to know that she was a nun. Margaret is a former
journalist and runs the Port Everglades Association, the private, nonprofit organization of businesses at the Broward County seaport.
Here is our lovely Susan with Kay of course. Susan
has recently retired. We go back to 1972 and the McGovern Campaign. Susan was the Chief Operating Officer of the first "Summit
of the American's" held in Coral Gables, several years ago. She then went on to be Director of the not for profit organization, Florida Partnership of the Americas. She also had her own Public Affairs Firm. She's a major player in all things
good in our community.
And with the blue and white wreath, made
especially for me, Myra, because I don't celebrate Christmas, with the creative and talented girl herself, Miss Kay!


One Crabapple said...

These wreaths are absolutely gorgeous and aren't you Lucky Girls One and All ?

I love your beautiful Blue Wreath Princess Myra !
(and seriously , you do not celebrate Christmas?)

What a wonderful day you had.
And here I asked if you were having a quiet weekend like me ! Ha! you are out partying it up!

Good For You. You are lucky to have such wonderful girl friends to visit with.

And Hey Myra !
I see you !
You are looking different. Slimmer in the face and shoulders ! of course that is all I can really see to comment on - but without a doubt , I do see a change !

It was fun to read about Girl's Get Together at Kay's. Hope you do that again soon. Nothing like Girl Time.

Love, SF

dogfaeriex5 said...

you look beautiful and radiant!!
life is good! take care, sweet girl! you hang with some talented gals...

Naomi said...

I really like u blog posting thanks :)
