Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Day at The Ranch

Yesterday I had a 5PM accupuncture treatment down south and was looking for something to do down that way earlier, so
I would not have to deal with driving there in the rush hour traffic.
It occured to me that my old friend, Mark, could use a visit as he recently had hip replacement surgery.
So I decided to stop in at his Chickee, which he custom designed and built in the early 1970's when we were an item.
I have many fond memories of him and that chickee. It sits to the back of his family's compond, which they call The
Ranch. To further add to the visit, Barry appeared. He and Mark go back forever and have done many a project
together. Barry is renown for his work with the trunks of trees. He's a recognized crafts, artisan and also creates natural
environments. His card says "industrial artist-Land Shaper". Another thing to add...Congratulations go out to Mark
and Ann, his significant other for over 20 years now. They finally got married. So there you have it. And now some of the photo's from
my visit.
This is an outside corner, featuring the bathtubs.
This is Mark in the back and Barry in the front. The Silver Fox Brigade
This is the Totem Pole. Mark carved the alligator, replete with teeth, no less on the top of this single piece of wood, probably a tree trunk.

This is one of many of the artifacts on the grounds surrounding the chickee.
This is an inside shot of the ceiling of the chickee.


One Crabapple said...

So this is a Chickee ! Verrry interesting ! It looks amazing actually and I would love to see this in person.

Barry and Mark are still Lookers, eh?

I do like the alligator / totem pole.

Well Myra ! what a wonderful idea to stop in and visit old pals and memories ! And I am sure a few must have come back....Did you ever imagine that you would be staring up at this ceiling again so many years later ???

One Crabapple said...

TWO MONTH Anniversary Myra !

I got your note and the message that you phoned as well !

I missed you !

I think you should share your results with the rest of us here ! I am dying to post it here myself but did't want to rob you of your own glory !

Congratulations on all of your Hard Work Dearst Myra !!!!

Wooooo-HOOOOOoooo !