The good news is Mother is home from the hospital and getting back to her usual self
More good news! I'm officially off all my medications! YAHOO!
My GP, was thrilled that my blood pressure is totally normal and
my blood sugar # was good too. He assured me it is only going
to get better as I continue to lose weight.
Frankly, I can't believe the whole thing.
This has happened so quickly.
I am so blown away.
Totally delighted and of course, so grateful.
Looking forward to my scheduled day.
Let me know what you think of these new
cards just listed on eBay.
They are different than what I ususally do.
ahHA ! you've been busy I see !
Love that wax idea !
And LOVE that BEE...! very kool !
More layers I seeee.
What is this about your mother? What have I missed.....? Must go read on.
I am sooo happy for you about the meds.WAY happy about this ! I hope you are feeling fine and there are no withdrawal things going on ?
YAY MYRA ! This is a fine day and that is VERY GOOD NEWS !
ps. it is more important to know how you feel about them....Because of course I think they are GREAT !
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