and now to What a Difference a Day Makes...
To begin with my Mother is in the hospital. Poor thing, she has been sick off an on since last Wednesday night with some kiind
of stomach thing. You know, both ends...(thanks for sharing Myra).
The good news is she managed to pull herself together and attend her birthday celebration for Charlie on Sunday night.
But yesterday morning when I got up I saw her sitting in her Lazy Boy Recliner, wrapped in a blanket. I woke her, to get
her in her bed and she said she had been so sick throughout the night.
I had a full day scheduled and made her promise she would call her doctor, etc.
Bottom line, @11:30 AM she left a message on my mobile that she was in the emergency room on an IV and I shouldn't
worry or cancel anything...they were taking many tests and also taking good care of her.
I ended up seeing her @4PM, still in the emergency room. They told me they were admitting her. Which I was kind of
relieved about. They have her on antibiotics and are monitoring her. Her heart is fine, they think this must be a bug
of sorts. We shall see.
Meanwhile, Charlie's 93rd Birthday Dinner was a big hit. Unforturnately, there are no photo's to post, because I ended up
not going. I had a particularly rough Sunday and my Mother excused me, thank God!
My action packed day, yesterday was wonderful. I thanked God every minute. I was able to accomplish everything in a
precision like manner. No kidding the day ran like clockwork with perfect timing. It was all a miracle.
The hightlight was a Donor's Luncheon for The Woman's Fund, an organization that does incredible work for underprivileged
and at risk young woman. I have been supporting this organization for several years now. One of my favorite friends is
on the Board and they do such amazing, good work.
The luncheon was at a beautiful new restaurant on Brickell Aveune, just south of downtown Miami, overlooking Biscayne Bay.
The setting was so spectacular. The women in attendance were all impressive in their own right. I saw so many people
that I hadn't seen in many years. Everyone was so receptive and seemed so happy to see me. It felt good to be in a room
filled with these lovely woman. It also felt wonderful to be acknowledged and so lovingly recieved.
I have to get myself together to leave in about 30 minutes. I'm going to my GP, for a fasting blood sugar and a check up
in general, post surgery. Then up to Ft. Lauderdale to had my dressing changed and then on to see my Mother.
Will report in later.
I am grateful for a new day and all the possibilities it holds.
1 comment:
So that is what was wrong with your mom...! Jeeez. PoorWoman! must have been miserable thru Charlie's soiree and just faked it for the sake of LoVE. Wow. I wonder if Charlie knows?
Sounds scarey.
I hope she is much much better and won't wait too long next time something hits like that (tell her I said so).
The luncheon really sounds wonderful and I am so glad you were well enough from Your Surgery to attend ! Was it hard to not eat , etc ? How is that going anyway ? That part of it ? Food / satisfaction , etc. Or is it like anything, you just get your mind in a different set and that is where and how you live ?
Things are going Great and I am so happy for you.
You deserve it RIGHT ?
How often do you wiegh in ?
Love, S/F
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